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Brochure on the topic of menopause

You can now obtain a free holistic guide to the menopause from our online shop. On 36 pages, it explains what goes on in the body during the menopause and…

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Prevent Lyme disease

Lyme borreliosis is an insidious infectious disease that is transmitted by tick bites. In certain regions of Switzerland, up to 50 per cent of ticks carry Borrelia bacteria, which cause…

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Kingnature now also available in Singapore

Kingnature continues to put out feelers in the Asian region: after having already successfully gained a foothold in China and Hong Kong, kingnature products are now also available in Singapore.…

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The new Calcium Shot

We get to celebrate another new product! Introducing the new Calcium Shot. However, our Calcium Shot does not “only” contain calcium, but also other important ingredients. Calcium is involved in…

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Available now: CBD Vida

CBD Vida is a mouthwash with hemp leaf extract, sunflower lecithin and a light peppermint flavour. CBD Vida is a concentrate for making a mouthwash. It contains CBD liposomally dissolved…

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Late effects of Corona

My brother, 53 years old, medical history, contracted Corona late last year, recovered well without much medical support. A few months later, he suffered from breathing problems. He was diagnosed…

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Corona infection successfully treated

I treated my family with your products for the Corona infection and we got practically no sickness. I administered the following products: Artemisia Pet capsules or shots, arginine, aronia, a…

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Emu oil after dog bite

Feedback from a reseller to a customer after a dog bite: I recommended Emu oil to her and she applied it 3 times a day, it is a miracle cure…

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1-Deoxynojirimycin (DNJ)

The mulberry tree 1-Deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) is an alkaloid that has so far only been found in one plant worldwide, the so-called mulberry tree. DNJ was first found in its roots,…

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New product: Recovery Box

Our latest product, the Recovery Box, is here! We are busy producing behind the scenes at kingnature and can already present another new product to you. We think it is…

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Branchen Champion

kingnature is industry champion

kingnature awarded as “Customer & Industry Champion”! The Swiss Institute for Quality Tests (SIQT) conducts provider-independent, well-founded and objective tests of services and products. The aim is to provide consumers…

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Osteoporose, Balance


What is osteoporosis? Bone loss Osteoporosis (bone atrophy) is a disease of the bones in which the relationship between bone formation and bone resorption, as well as bone density and…

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Grippe (Influenza)

What is the difference between flu and flu-like infections? In everyday life, the term flu is often used in connection with colds or flu-like infections. When someone at work says…

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What actually is AD(H)S?

What does ADHD stand for? ADHD stands for attention deficithyperactivity disorder. A syndrome is a collection of different symptoms or findings. The terms hyperkinetic syndrome (HKS), psychoorganic syndrome (POS) or…

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What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joint cartilage. The cartilage is worn down due to various causes. In an advanced state, the cartilage can even be…

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Hay fever

What actually is hay fever? Allergy to pollen Blocked and “runny” nose, watery eyes … do you recognise this? Anyone who has had a cold (and we all have) knows…

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Cardiovascular diseases

What are cardiovascular diseases? The term “cardiovascular disease” is not always used uniformly. In the broadest sense, it includes all diseases that affect the heart and blood circulation. Some of…

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Demenz, Vergesslichkeit, Alzherimer

Alzheimer’s disease – Dementia

If you imagine all your learnt skills, interests, talents, character traits etc. as books in a bookcase … and then more and more books fall over, or even fall out…

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What actually is pain?

Definition of pain The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in…

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