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Swantje Rollersbroich


Knowledge junkie with a love of nature. Has asked lots of questions since her first word, which is why her parents put books in her hands. Still enjoys reading about natural health to this day. Likes to recharge her batteries outdoors!
Vitamine Pillen in Form eines Fragezeichens auf gelben Untergrund

Your body needs these 13 vitamins

“Eat your vitamins!” – a phrase we hear from an early age and a word that is familiar to all of us. But what exactly are vitamins, why are they…

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Advantages of food supplements

Food supplements are an important part of a balanced health and wellness strategy. They offer a targeted way of supplementing the daily diet and ensuring that the body receives all…

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Bluttest für Zuhause

Blood test for home use

Blood tests are a central component of modern medicine and provide valuable insights into a person’s state of health. They make it possible to monitor various health parameters, recognise diseases…

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Mann macht Sport

Sports nutrition for various sports

Sports nutrition is a decisive factor for the performance and recovery of athletes. The right nutrition supports the body in providing energy for intensive training sessions, promoting muscle building and…

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Joghurt vor dem Training

Eating before training – yes or no?

The right nutrition before training plays a decisive role in athletic performance and general well-being. It provides the necessary energy, supports endurance and promotes regeneration. A balanced meal or a…

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Frau ist gesund und glücklich

Definition of health

Health is a central issue that affects everyone. A clear definition of health is crucial to understanding wellbeing and developing effective medical practices. The definition of health can vary depending…

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Frau lächelt und ist glücklich

12 tips for happiness

Happiness is a central aspect of human life and plays a crucial role in our general well-being and quality of life. It affects not only our mental health, but also…

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Computer auf dem Schreibtisch

The importance of work-life balance

Work-life balance describes the balance between professional demands and private needs. In an increasingly hectic and technology-driven world, this concept is becoming more and more important. A good work-life balance…

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Natürliche Entzündungshemmer Kurkuma

Natural anti-inflammatories as effective support

Natural anti-inflammatories are herbal or mineral substances that can help to reduce inflammation in the body in a gentle way. Unlike synthetic medications, natural anti-inflammatories offer a gentler alternative with…

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Frau hat Erkältung

Cold symptoms – Recognise and treat

The common cold is one of the most common illnesses affecting people worldwide. It is often dismissed as harmless, but can have a significant impact on daily life. The symptoms…

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Die Aronia Beere

Die Aronia Beere als Superfood

Aronia, also known as chokeberry, has become a true superfood in recent years and is becoming increasingly popular due to its many health benefits. In this blog post, we dive…

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Geschwollene Füße bei Wassereinlagerungen

Water retention – causes & solutions

Water retention, also known as oedema, is a common health problem that affects many people. A good fluid balance in the body is crucial for the well-being and function of…

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Frau joggt

Tips for improving your metabolism

A healthy metabolism is a fundamental aspect of the well-being and health of the human body. It plays a crucial role in the digestion of food, the production of energy…

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Natürliche Schönheit

Natural beauty – care and products

Natural beauty is not just about external attractiveness, but also about a healthy, radiant appearance that comes from within. More and more people are recognising the importance of natural beauty…

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Pflanzliche Stimmungsaufheller wie Lavendel

Taking herbal mood enhancers

In a hectic world that is often characterised by stress and a hectic pace, many people are looking for natural ways to improve their mood and support their emotional well-being.…

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Schwangerschaft Vitamine durch Obst

Pregnancy vitamins

Pregnancy is an intensive period during which the mother’s body undergoes numerous adaptations to support the baby’s development. Vitamins play a crucial role in this process, as they not only…

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Preventing a cold – measures

Colds are one of the most common health problems that people face, especially during the cold seasons. In addition to the annoying symptoms such as coughs, colds and sore throats,…

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