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Regulate your acid-base balance: Symptoms of acidosis and tips

The interaction between acids and bases is essential for many processes in the body. Negative symptoms become particularly apparent when acidosis occurs. This article shows how the acid-base balance can be kept in equilibrium and which foods can help.

What is the acid-base balance?

The human body has a complicated regulatory system, also known as the acid-base balance. Its function is to keep the pH value of the blood constant. To do this, it equalises the acids and bases in the body and brings them into balance. The acid-base balance is influenced by a person’s lifestyle, diet and any illnesses.

Chemical reactions take place during various processes in the human organism. It is unavoidable that excess acids are produced in the process. It is the acid-base balance that balances this imbalance. The ideal pH value of the blood is constant at around 7.4, which is neither too acidic nor too alkaline.

How do acids get into the human body?

The acid-base balance is important because acids enter the human body in two ways:

– Absorption through food

– Formation through metabolic processes

Acids are usually removed via the excretory organs intestines, lungs, kidneys, liver or skin. However, various influences promote the absorption or formation of acids. The organism itself can no longer cope with this. If acids are not excreted, they remain in the body in the form of waste products – in places such as the connective tissue. This can impair health. Acidosis develops.

What is acidosis of the body?

The body can also become over-acidified. Acidosis occurs when the connective tissue, which serves as an acid reservoir, is overloaded with acid. This can also be described synonymously as a “decrease in buffer capacity”.

Many people think that heartburn and hyperacidity are one and the same. However, they are actually two different things. In the case of hyperacidity, the body has too much acid in it. Certain areas of the body must be more acidic than others. If areas that should normally be alkaline are also acidic, acidosis may be present.

Heartburn can simply be a sign of a disturbed acid-base balance. However, it can also be the result of an illness or excessive stress.

Acid-base balance imbalance: symptoms of acidosis

There are several signs that can indicate acidosis. These include acid reflux or heartburn, digestive problems, headaches, lack of concentration or muscle tension and cramps. However, cellulite and premature signs of ageing are also symptoms of an imbalanced acid-base balance. Depressive moods and pain in the spine or joints can also occur.

Anyone who notices these signs should consult a doctor. There are also certain tests that can be used to find out quite quickly whether your body is over-acidified or not. The acid-base balance can be checked with test strips. Such a test measures the pH value in the patient’s urine. There are also acid-base balance tests that measure the pH value of saliva.

Causes of hyperacidity

Various influences can contribute to an imbalance in the body’s acid-base balance. One factor, for example, is stress. It plays an important role in almost 70 % of all illnesses.

This is because stress triggers a chain of unfavourable consequences in the human metabolism. For example, the stress hormone cortisol rises, which lowers blood sugar levels and leads to food cravings. If the energy supplied in this way is not utilised, acidosis quickly occurs. This is why people who have an imbalanced acid-base balance find it so difficult to lose weight.

However, an unhealthy diet can also be the cause of acidosis. With a balanced diet, only small amounts of toxic or unusable substances are produced during metabolisation. These can be neutralised by the acid-base balance without any problems. So if you consume a lot of sweet foods, soft drinks or preservatives, colourings or sweeteners, you run the risk of over-acidifying your body. The consumption of many animal proteins and coffee, alcohol and nicotine can also lead to this. Too much sport is also a frequent trigger for hyperacidity in the body.

Consequences of an unbalanced acid-base balance

As the acid-base balance is so important, even minor fluctuations can lead to the symptoms mentioned and, in the long term, to illness. This affects the composition of protein molecules, the structure of cell components and the permeability of cell walls. Acidosis can also impair the effect of enzymes and hormones and affect the fluidity of the blood.

As acids and waste products are primarily stored in the connective tissue, but also in the joints and blood vessels, the following signs can be seen, among others:

– Cellulite

– wrinkles

– High blood pressure

– stroke

– heart attack

– arthritis

– arthrosis

The symptoms mentioned do not always have to be caused by an imbalance in the acid-base balance. Those affected would therefore be well advised to consult a doctor if they notice any of the signs mentioned.

What to do if the acid-base balance is imbalanced?

Acidosis can have a very negative effect on the body in many ways. It is therefore advisable to take measures to bring the acid-base balance back into equilibrium. This includes eating the right foods and changing your lifestyle.

Balance the acid-base balance with the right foods

Not everything that tastes sour is considered an “acidic” food when it comes to the pH value. Completely different factors play a role here. It’s more about whether a food forms acids or bases in the body. In fact, foods that taste acidic are often alkalising. These include lemons and vinegar, for example.

Foods such as vegetables other than Brussels sprouts and pulses, fruit, potatoes and leafy salads are also good for the acid-base balance. Fresh milk, whey, cream and tofu also have a positive effect. The situation is different for cheese, meat, sausage and eggs. Along with coffee, sugar and alcohol, these are considered acidifying.

A diet that has a positive effect on the acid-base balance consists of no more than a quarter acid-forming foods. Detox days are also recommended, on which you only eat alkaline-forming foods. A purely alkaline diet can have the same effect as a detox programme.

But which foods are acid- or alkaline-forming in detail?

Acid-alkaline balance: some foods

The following are examples of alkaline-forming foods:

  • Fruit & vegetables: raspberries, dates, bananas, redcurrants, carrots, kale, pumpkin

  • Herbs & salads: basil, nettle, lemon balm, iceberg lettuce, lamb’s lettuce

  • Mushrooms: mushrooms, truffles, porcini mushrooms

  • Proteins: lupin protein, whey protein, soya protein

The examples of alkaline-forming foods go on and on, as the majority of fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and herbs are healthy for the acid-base balance.

Incidentally, not every acid-forming food is considered unhealthy. There are also good acid-forming foods. They should be included in your diet just as much as alkalising foods. These include, for example:

– Organic grains such as millet, oats, spelt, barley or kamut

– pulses

– cocoa powder

– maize

– nuts

– oilseeds

– Green tea

However, bad acidifiers such as ready-made products, dairy products, products containing gluten or foods made from wheat flour should be largely avoided.

Supplements for a balanced acid-base balance

The acid-base balance can also be supported with tablets. However, those affected should always bear in mind that taking dietary supplements is no substitute for a healthy and balanced diet. Supplements should therefore only be used as a supplement.

Trace elements such as calcium, magnesium or zinc can act as bases in the body and rebalance the acid-base balance. However, only high-quality products of natural origin should be used. Kingnature offers food supplements with high bioavailability. This means that the body can absorb them quickly and utilise them well.

A healthy acid-base balance through a healthy lifestyle

An unhealthy lifestyle can imbalance the acid-base balance. Conversely, a healthy lifestyle can maintain the balance. This includes quitting smoking, not consuming excessive amounts of alcohol and coffee and reducing stress. Relaxation exercises can help you to be less stressed and therefore produce fewer acids.

Breathing also has an effect on the acid-base balance. Breathing removes carbon dioxide – also a type of acid – from the body. The more intensive the breathing is, the better the person gets rid of this acid. This is why regular exercise in the fresh air is so good for a balanced acid-base balance. Breathing exercises for deep breathing are also beneficial.


A healthy acid-base balance is essential for the human body. As acidosis can lead to discomfort and even serious illness, it is important to act quickly. The right foods and supporting food supplements help to restore the acid-base balance.



Knowledge junkie with a love of nature. Has asked lots of questions since her first word, which is why her parents put books in her hands. Still enjoys reading about natural health to this day. Likes to recharge her batteries outdoors!