Macadamia Oil
High proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids
With a fat content of around 73%, the macadamia nut and the macadamia oil extracted from it are very rich in content, especially because the fats they contain are mostly monounsaturated fatty acids. Oleic acid is present in a large proportion, but palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidic acid and linolenic acid are also included. When eating the tasty nuts, the fatty acids support, among other things, the natural moisture barrier of the skin from the inside out. In addition, the oil extracted from macadamia nuts is very suitable for external use on the skin. Macadamia nuts contain many other ingredients, such as various minerals and vitamins, including, for example, the cell-protecting vitamin E.
The nut from Australia’s rainforests
Originally, macadamia trees were only found in Australia’s rainforests. In the meantime, they are also cultivated in New Zealand, Hawaii and in areas of Africa, as well as Central and South America. The fruits are drupes, the kernels of which are the popular macadamia nuts. The soft, ivory-coloured kernels are embedded in a woody shell, which in turn is encased in a thick, green fruit husk. The Aborigines have valued the healthy nuts for centuries as a valuable source of protein and fat

Gentle production of the oil is important
The macadamia fruits are collected from the ground under the trees by hand and then mechanically freed from their pulp and hard shell. The kernels are cold-pressed to ensure gentle production of the oil, which preserves the valuable ingredients
Macadamia oil in cosmetics

In cosmetics, the rich oil is often used for dry, chapped and cracked skin. It is also called “disappearing oil” because on the one hand it is absorbed well into the skin and quickly makes it more supple, and on the other hand because its composition is similar to the structure of human skin cells. Thus, the fatty acids support the skin’s own barrier system so that the skin remains moist and protected from environmental influences.