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Sleep-promoting measures: Relevance and what really helps sleep

Sleeping is essential for everyone. It ensures that the body stays healthy . However, not everyone finds it so easy to fall asleep or stay asleep. Sleep-promoting measures are aimed at promoting healthy sleep. This article shows what these measures are and why they are so important.

Sleep-promoting measures – a definition

Sleep-promoting measures include all measures that are taken to improve sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene has nothing to do with cleanliness in the strict sense. Rather, it encompasses actions and behaviour that enable and promote restful sleep. Sleep-promoting measures are therefore intended to prevent or eliminate sleep problems.

Why are sleep-promoting measures so important?

Sleep is the time when the body undergoes various regeneration processes. Body and soul can really recharge during sleep. Both the metabolism and the immune system as well as many other processes are optimised.

However, sleep problems are among the most common complaints in Germany and Switzerland. This means that the body cannot regenerate properly. The consequences for physical and mental health can be devastating:

  • Heart and kidney disease

  • High blood pressure

  • Strokes

  • Heart attacks

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity

  • Depression

Of course, not everyone with poor or insufficient sleep suffers from these effects. In addition, the illnesses can also be the result of other life circumstances. However, good sleep contributes significantly to well-being and general health .

The interplay of hormones with regard to sleep

Several areas of the human brain work together to make sleep possible at all. They control the human sleep-wake rhythm by releasing certain messenger substances. These include

  • Noradrenaline

  • Adenosine

  • Melatonin

Noradrenaline has an activating effect and therefore makes you awake. In the case of serious sleep disorders, drugs that inhibit the transport of this neurotransmitter are therefore often prescribed.

Adenosine makes you tired. This substance is released when a person has been awake for a long time. Among other things, adenosine inhibits noradrenaline.

Finally, there is melatonin. This is produced by the body itself when it is dark. With increasing age, the body produces less and less melatonin, which is why older people sleep less. Melatonin can be produced with the help of serotonin. And this in turn is produced by L-tryptophan.

What sleep-promoting measures are there?

There are many sleep-promoting measures that contribute to healthy and restful sleep. These include the 10 rules of sleep hygiene, a healthy diet and reducing stress.

The 10 rules of sleep hygiene

1. Establish a sleep rhythm , i.e. always go to bed and get up at the same time.

2. Don’t eat much three hours before going to bed.

3. Do not consume alcoholic or caffeinated drinks three hours before going to bed.

4. Avoid lying down for long periods after waking up.

5. Do not sleep for more than 30 minutes at midday.

6. Avoid physical exertion a few hours before going to bed.

7. Do not smoke or at least do not smoke shortly before going to sleep.

8. Set up a buffer zone between everyday life and bedtime so that you can really relax and “wind down”.

9. Avoid light in the bedroom so as not to inhibit the production of melatonin (the body’s own sleep hormone).

10. Create a pleasant sleeping environment .

Reducing stress as a sleep-promoting measure

It is undisputed that stress can make you ill. In fact, it also prevents many people from sleeping or reduces the quality of their sleep. Both personal and professional stress are considered disruptive factors. They impair a person’s ability to relax. Falling asleep and staying asleep are inhibited.

Stress can be reduced before going to bed through sleep-promoting yoga exercises . Writing down your own thoughts and keeping a done list – i.e. things that you have successfully completed in a day – can also help you to fall asleep without stress.

Reduce media use

Smartphones, tablets and the like have virtually no place in the bedroom. Generally speaking, light sources can have a negative effect on sleep behaviour. However, the blue light from digital devices is particularly harmful to sleep.

The bedroom should therefore largely be a media-free zone. It is better to pick up a book. The light should be dimmed when reading and switched off completely during the night. Otherwise it can disturb your sleep.

Correct bedroom design

One of the measures to promote sleep is to organise the bedroom accordingly. It has already been explained that the bedroom should not be brightly lit. However, there are other things to consider.

The temperature in the bedroom should be between 16 and 18 °C. The humidity should be between 40 and 60 %. Draughts should also be avoided. For this purpose, the bed should not be placed directly between the window and the door.

It is better to place the bed about 1.5 metres away from the window. You should always keep an eye on the windows and doors. This subconsciously conveys a feeling of security and can reduce nervousness.

A tidy bedroom is also important. Clutter often contributes to a feeling of unease – even if you don’t notice it so obviously. Open shelves that are cluttered do not exactly promote sleep. Solutions where everything can be stored neatly and tidily are better. This promotes healthy falling asleep and sleeping through the night.

Vitamins for healthy sleep

Nutrition also plays an essential role in healthy sleep. B vitamins in particular are said to have a sleep-promoting effect. But why?

Vitamins B1, B5 and B6 are said to have a beneficial effect on melatonin synthesis. A deficiency of these vitamins is therefore often associated with sleep disorders and psychological complaints.

Vitamin C also plays an important role when it comes to sleep. The vitamin can convert the amino acid L-tryptophan into a precursor of serotonin. And this in turn ensures the release of melatonin.

Vitamin D is another vitamin that should be taken for healthy sleep. The body produces this itself when it is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D supports the formation of serotonin as well as the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are needed to regulate sleep.

In general, some minerals are necessary to achieve restful sleep. Therefore, one of the measures to promote sleep is to supply the body with all the important nutrients. A balanced diet makes this possible. However, if the need for minerals and vitamins cannot be met with this, taking high-quality nutritional supplements such as those from kingnature is also a solution. However, these should only be used as a supplement and should not replace a balanced diet.

What sleep-promoting measures are there for children?

There are also effective measures to promote sleep for children. One tip, which also applies to adults, is often neglected by adults and children alike: the bed is only for sleeping, not for watching TV, playing or romping around. A clear boundary should be drawn here.

Furthermore, children should not eat heavy meals before going to bed and, above all, should not consume sugar. While sweets should be eaten in moderation anyway, they have absolutely no place in the time before going to sleep. The same applies to caffeinated drinks: they are generally taboo for children and an absolute no-go, especially before bedtime.

Just like adults, a routine can help children to fall asleep. Regular activities such as listening to calming music, telling a story or singing a song can help children get in the mood for a good night’s sleep.

And last but not least: going to bed should not be seen as a punishment, but as something completely normal that simply belongs at the end of the day.

Are sleeping pills a sleep-promoting measure?

Some people reach for sleeping pills on sleepless nights or out of habit in order to fall asleep or sleep through the night. However, this is generally not advisable.

A sleeping tablet can help temporarily if you simply can’t get to sleep. However, depending on the preparation, an addiction can quickly develop. Although this cannot be generalised, healthy caution is advisable for everyone.

It is therefore better to use herbal preparations. Some plants and herbs are said to have sleep-promoting properties. Ashwaganda , for example, has a reputation for helping people to fall asleep and stay asleep. Together with L-tryptophan and various herbs, it is used in preparations such as Relax Vida.

In general, however, before taking anything for sleep problems, you should be sure what it is and whether there may be any side effects. This can vary from person to person, as everyone has different conditions and possible pre-existing conditions. In addition, the cause of insomnia should always be investigated first.


Healthy sleep is important for many reasons. Sleep-promoting measures can help you fall asleep and stay asleep. In the case of chronic insomnia, however, sufferers should consult a specialist. There are certainly illnesses that lead to insomnia and have a negative impact on general health.



Knowledge junkie with a love of nature. Has asked lots of questions since her first word, which is why her parents put books in her hands. Still enjoys reading about natural health to this day. Likes to recharge her batteries outdoors!