What is MSM and what is MSM good for?
MSM – the name sounds very chemical at first. However, most people don’t realise that it is a substance that is found naturally in food and is essential for the human body. But what is MSM and what is MSM good for? This article provides an insight into how MSM works.
Definition of MSM: What is it?
MSM stands for methylsulfonylmethane. It is a natural substance containing sulphur that is used for various purposes. It is contained in human food – but only in very small quantities. MSM is therefore regarded as the sulphur donor par excellence for the human organism.
But is sulphur even healthy? In fact, it is a very important mineral that the body urgently needs for certain functions. MSM makes up 0.2 % of the body’s weight. That is by no means little! By comparison, magnesium and iron are present in much smaller quantities.
Unlike many other substances, the body cannot produce sulphur itself. It should therefore be clear what MSM is primarily good for: it ensures a balanced sulphur balance.
What does MSM help with?
Even though MSM or sulphur is considered so important for the human body, the substance is often not given the attention it deserves. What is MSM actually good for? And which bodily functions require sulphur?
There are actually many areas in which sulphur works in the body. For example, the following endogenous substances are formed with the help of sulphur:
– Enzymes
– hormones
Glutathione, for example, is a powerful antioxidant in the body. This can also only be formed with the help of sulphur. It is particularly important for detoxifying the body. The anticoagulant heparin and the blood sugar-lowering insulin also contain sulphur.
What else is MSM sulphur good for, apart from metabolic processes? Tendons, cartilage, muscles and bones as well as hair, connective tissue and nails also benefit from the mineral.
What is MSM suitable for and when?
Humans normally absorb sulphur through various foods. Only those who are not able to cover their requirements through a balanced diet should use dietary supplements such as MSM powder or MSM capsules. These are organically bound sulphur that can be easily stirred into drinks or food. The great advantage of capsules is that they are easier to dose.
Taking dietary supplements can also be useful for acute complaints. Those affected should always be careful about the type of product they choose. Natural supplements are best. The simple reason for this is that they are healthier and are better processed by the body. As a rule, they also work better. At Kingnature you will find an extensive selection of high-quality, natural products to supplement your diet.
Combinations of different minerals and vitamins are also recommended. Kingnature’s MSM capsules contain vitamin E, manganese, chondroitin and glucosamine. This allows the MSM to have an optimal effect on the joints and connective tissue .
Foods with MSM: Where is sulphur contained?
If you have a MSM deficiency or are looking for high-quality sources of sulphur for other reasons, you may be wondering which foods contain sulphur. Basically, it is a protein-rich diet that leads to a sufficient supply of sulphur. However, there are other foods that contain MSM.
The following plant-based foods contain sulphur (per 100 g):
– Peanuts: 395 mg
– Hazelnuts: 160 mg
– Pumpkin seeds: 160 mg
– Walnuts: 140 mg
– Millet 140 mg
– Broccoli: 124 mg
– Kale 87 mg
– Chives 80 mg
– Savoy cabbage: 80 mg
– Buckwheat 80 mg
– Onion 52 mg

Animal foods rich in sulphur include milk and dairy products, eggs, fish and meat. Here the quantities are somewhat different. Fish can contain up to 290 mg of sulphur per 100 g – redfish, for example. Pork and beef both provide almost 280 mg of sulphur per 100 g. And cheese can contain up to 240 mg of sulphur per 100 g, depending on the variety.
What is MSM good for? – The effect at a glance
The effects of MSM are particularly popular in alternative medicine. There are various areas of application in which sulphur is highly valued. The question “What is MSM good for?” can initially be answered very simply: a sulphur deficiency. This can lead to a number of complaints.
Common symptoms of sulphur deficiency include joint problems, a dull complexion, dull hair, brittle nails, skin conditions such as rosacea and loose connective tissue. Tiredness and inflammation are also associated with a lack of sulphur.
Is MSM good for the bones?
The most common area of application for MSM is probably cartilage and bones. MSM is often prescribed for pain and joint inflammation in particular. It can also be used to alleviate muscle pain.
As sulphur is a main component of synovial fluid and cartilage and both structures have to be constantly renewed due to daily stress, it is obvious that MSM is known as the cartilage protector par excellence. The substance is even used to treat osteoarthritis.
Is MSM good for the gut?
MSM is generally able to improve intestinal function. It is able to create a healthy intestinal environment and regulate acid production in the stomach. It can also promote the utilisation of nutrients and counteract complaints such as bloating, flatulence and heartburn.
MSM also helps with so-called leaky gut syndrome. This involves microscopically small holes in the intestine, which impair the barrier function of the mucous membrane. Bacteria and toxins enter the bloodstream and cause permanent inflammation in the body. Sulphur can counteract this.
Is MSM good for the liver?
The liver is the detoxification organ par excellence. MSM can actively support it in this process. After all, it is a powerful detoxifying agent that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier. MSM relieves and cleanses the liver and frees the entire organism from toxins.
Is MSM good for the skin?
MSM is said to have an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic effect. As a result, it can sustainably improve the appearance of the skin. There are products for external application of MSM as well as dietary supplements for ingestion that help against skin problems.
Even diseases such as rosacea, acne or eczema can be alleviated with MSM. It helps to regenerate the skin so that it looks firmer, healthier and fresher. MSM can also promote the production of elastin and collagen. These are the components of the skin that improve its elasticity and make it look young.
Is MSM good for blood pressure?
As mentioned above, MSM can stimulate the body to produce certain enzymes. This in turn can have the effect of lowering blood pressure. Sulphur is therefore considered a natural blood pressure reducer.
Conclusion: There are many things MSM is good for
Many functions in the human body are only possible if it has sufficient sulphur. MSM capsules and powders are an ideal way of supplying the body with the necessary sulphur if this is not possible through diet. However, certain foods also help to keep the body’s sulphur balance in equilibrium . Food supplements can never replace a balanced and healthy diet, but can be very useful in the event of an acute deficiency or certain complaints.