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Zinc: food supplements at a glance

Trace elements such as zinc are considered essential for the body. The mineral is an absolute all-rounder. The following article explains what zinc is good for and what you should bear in mind when taking it. We also look at which foods can provide sufficient zinc intake.

What is zinc good for?

Zinc has a variety of functions, which is why it is essential for the body. It is absolutely essential for some bodily functions. The mineral is a true all-rounder. It is important for skin, hair and nails. This is why zinc deficiency often leads to brittle hair and nails or dry skin. Zinc also supports the metabolism, is good for a strong immune system and helps with diabetes mellitus. Zinc can even be helpful for allergies.

Zinc is only present in small quantities in the body. The human body only contains around 2-3 grams of zinc. This still makes it one of the leading trace elements. Only iron is more abundant in the body.

Over 300 enzymes in the body contain zinc. They are activated by the mineral. This accelerates biochemical reactions in the body: both the immune response and digestion. A functioning protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism is also only possible with the help of zinc. Zinc is also relevant for acid-base metabolism. What many people do not realise is that zinc is also essential for good vision, hearing, smell and taste .

What is the daily zinc requirement?

Everyone has a different daily requirement of the mineral. After all, every body is slightly different. However, there are guideline values that can be used as a guide to determine the right amount of zinc for your daily requirements. However, this does not replace advice from a doctor.

  • Infants: Infants up to the age of 4 months should consume 1.5 mg of zinc per day. From 4 months to 1 year, they need 2.5 mg per day. If the infant is breastfed, additional zinc in the form of a dietary supplement is not necessary.

  • Children and adolescents: The daily zinc requirement for children and adolescents is lower than for adults. Infants between 1 and 4 need 3 mg of zinc per day. Children up to the age of 7 need 7 mg a day. And for children between 7 and 10, the daily zinc requirement rises to 6 mg. Adolescent girls then need just 11 mg of zinc per day, while boys under 19 need up to 14 mg.

  • Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers: Depending on the trimester and phytate intake, different amounts of zinc are required by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. However, the levels are basically always slightly higher than for women who are not pregnant.

  • Athletes: People who are actively involved in sport need more zinc. Up to 25 mg of zinc per day is recommended. However, this dose should not be exceeded. But why do athletes need more zinc? The trace element helps to build muscle mass. Zinc also contributes to the body’s own utilisation of proteins. Zinc can also favour the healing of wounds.

A person’s requirement also depends on their age, gender, height and weight.

What is the so-called phytate intake?

Phytate intake also plays an essential role in the intake of zinc. But what is this actually? Phytate is an anion of phytic acid. It influences how well zinc can be absorbed and utilised by the body. Phytate binds zinc in the gastrointestinal tract – i.e. in the intestine – and in this way reduces zinc absorption. Phytate is mainly found in plants, where it plays a major role in germination. The following applies: the higher the phytate intake, the poorer the zinc absorption. A very high intake of phytate is found, for example, in a purely plant-based diet. If you eat more plant proteins than animal proteins, this can inhibit zinc absorption.

Which foods contain zinc?

There are some foods that contain zinc. In many cases, the individual daily requirement of the mineral can be covered by a healthy and balanced diet. The following foods are ideal sources of zinc:

  • Meat

  • Fish

  • Dairy products

  • Pulses

  • Nuts

  • Wholemeal cereals

In general, the human body can absorb zinc from animal sources better than from plant sources. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) therefore refers to zinc as a critical nutrient for vegans and vegetarians. Nevertheless, it is still possible to cover your zinc requirements with a purely vegan diet. It is only important to choose the right foods and to eat a balanced and, above all, wholesome diet.

A nutritional table will tell you how high the respective zinc content is. This also makes it possible to determine how much zinc you are getting from your diet. This is particularly relevant in the case of a zinc deficiency.

Taking zinc as a dietary supplement: things to bear in mind

Food supplements should always be used for what they are: A supplement to the diet. This means that they do not replace a healthy and balanced diet, but only support it.

There are also a few things to bear in mind when taking the trace element itself. Zinc should not be taken on an empty stomach. It is best to take the supplement with a meal in the morning or at lunchtime. The reason: zinc can cause nausea.

If you also take calcium and iron as a dietary supplement, you should be careful not to swallow the tablets at the same time as the zinc preparation. This is because taking them at the same time can lead to interactions .

Furthermore, the same applies to zinc as to many other food supplements: It all depends on the dose. If you are unsure about the dosage of zinc, you should speak to your doctor and seek advice. This will help determine the correct daily requirement and prevent zinc overdose. How long you take zinc varies from case to case. The duration of the intake should be discussed individually with the doctor. After all, the doctor knows the extent of the zinc deficiency.

When is it appropriate to take zinc?

If you have a zinc deficiency, it is obvious to take a zinc supplement. However, the trace element is also ideal for targeted support of the immune system. Especially in combination with vitamin C, zinc helps against colds and infections. But be careful: not all vitamins can be taken together. For example, zinc and folic acid (vitamin B9) should not be taken together.

Many vegetarians and vegans also rely on zinc as a dietary supplement. However, this is not always necessary. After all, some plant-based foods also provide zinc.

Buying zinc as a dietary supplement: What should buyers look out for?

There are many dietarysupplements on the market. Zinc in particular is a popular product that is sold by various manufacturers. However, buyers should not choose the first supplement they come across. There are high-quality zinc supplements and those that are manufactured to a lesser standard.

At Kingnature you will find high-quality zinc supplements made from natural ingredients . This allows the ingredients to be better absorbed by the body. Discover the range of food supplements from Kingnature and support your diet with what your body needs.

Conclusion: Zinc as a popular dietary supplement

The body needs zinc for various bodily functions. This makes it all the more serious if there is a zinc deficiency. This can be caused by an inadequate diet, among other things. Dietary supplements can be used to increase zinc intake so that the daily requirement of zinc is covered. Those affected can discuss with their doctor how much zinc they should take and for how long.



Knowledge junkie with a love of nature. Has asked lots of questions since her first word, which is why her parents put books in her hands. Still enjoys reading about natural health to this day. Likes to recharge her batteries outdoors!