Boost your metabolism in old age: these tips will help
The human body changes over the course of a lifetime. Age in particular presents it with new challenges and changes that affect many levels. Among other things, the metabolism slows down and those affected have to deal with weight gain. This article shows how the metabolism can be boosted in old age.
Why do many people find it difficult to lose weight in old age?
Seniors often find it difficult to reduce their weight. Many are therefore even affected by obesity. But why is this the case?
This is due to changes in the body. These include hormonal changes as well as the loss of cell function. All of this results in a slower metabolism. If the metabolism slows down with age, this means that calories can be burned less effectively.
This has to do with the so-called basal metabolic rate . This is a person’s individual energy requirement. If you consume this number of calories and no more, you will not gain weight. However, if the basal metabolic rate decreases with age due to physical changes, the body stores more fat if the diet is not adjusted accordingly. As a general rule, the older a person gets, the fewer calories they need. It is therefore not possible to maintain the lifestyle of younger years in old age without changing your weight.
Should you boost your metabolism in old age?
Being overweight is not beneficial in any age group. But it should especially be avoided in old age. It can have numerous negative effects on health and is very difficult to get rid of in old age. However, there are other reasons why it is worth boosting your metabolism as you get older.
Healthy weight loss can prevent a number of age-related diseases and improve both the cardiovascular system and the metabolism as a whole. It also has a positive effect on the joints and musculoskeletal system, which are essential for stability in old age.
However, many senior citizens lose weight incorrectly. Some tend to suffer from malnutrition or muscle atrophy. This is by no means desirable and should be treated urgently. Losing weight in this way can make you frailer in old age and increase the risk of injury and illness.
People should therefore boost their metabolism naturally and in a healthy way as they get older. This not only results in healthy weight loss, but also leads to an increased sense of well-being.
How can you boost your metabolism in old age?
Firstly, if you want to lose weight as a senior citizen, you should discuss this with a doctor beforehand. Losing too much weight or unhealthy weight loss can have negative consequences for your health. In addition, people with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems or osteoarthritis should definitely consult a doctor. However, there are ways to boost your metabolism naturally as you get older in order to stay healthy.
The right diet
If you want to lose weight or simply boost your metabolism, you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet. In general, nutrition is the be-all and end-all for the body’s health.
A balanced diet consists of plenty of fruit and vegetables, wholemeal products, high-quality proteins and healthy fats. This provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals . Seniors can counteract deficiency symptoms in this way.
Dietary supplementsare another way of ensuring that the body is supplied with all the necessary micronutrients. However, these should only be used as a supplement to a healthy diet and should not be taken instead. Supplementation with such products in old age should only take place in consultation with a doctor. It is also important to take high-quality products such as those from Kingnature.
If you want to boost your metabolism in old age, you should refrain from radical diets. This is due to the lower calorie requirement, which already slows down the metabolism. If you then have a severe calorie deficit, this makes your metabolism even slower. The calorie requirement is reduced even further after just a few weeks and losing weight in old age becomes even more difficult.
If you want to boost your metabolism effectively from the age of 60, you should therefore eat regularly. This keeps the digestive system going and prevents excess pounds from accumulating.
However, this does not mean that you should eat lots of snacks between meals. On the contrary: these should be avoided. This is because the metabolism often cannot work effectively if there is too little time between meals. A four to five hour break is a good guideline. This allows the metabolism to burn off the most energy. This means that there should not be too little or too much time between meals.
Intermittent fasting is an exception to this rule. In consultation with a doctor, intermittent fasting can be used as a way of boosting the metabolism in old age and losing weight. Eating times play a crucial role here, as no food is consumed for around 14 – 16 hours. In the long term, the metabolism switches to fat metabolism for energy production.
Most people take this break at night. The best way to integrate intermittent fasting into your daily routine is to have breakfast a little later and dinner a little earlier. Even the smallest amounts of food during this break can ruin the results, so a strict diet plan is required. There are various nutritional models that can help you lose weight with intermittent fasting.
Caution: Anyone who has diabetes or a thyroid disorder should refrain from intermittent fasting!
Drinking enough
This is a problem that many seniors struggle with: They don’t drink enough. This is generally not good for your health as many processes come to a standstill as a result.
Sufficient fluid intake is necessary for many processes in the body. The cells in particular need a lot of water. But the metabolism also suffers if you don’t drink enough.
The following therefore applies to senior citizens: you should drink at least 1.5 litres of water or unsweetened tea every day. This supports the metabolism and digestion and also makes you feel much fitter.

Those who are less mobile in old age may find it difficult to get enough exercise. Yet exercise is extremely important – especially for the metabolism. Not moving enough slows down the metabolism and many other processes in the body.
It is important to exercise continuously. If you are unable to exercise, you can try going for walks in the fresh air. In many places, there are also offers to do gymnastics and other light sports together with other senior citizens to keep fit. This can provide more motivation, making it easier to stay on the ball. There are also supervisors who can cater to the individual needs of seniors.
Sports that can be used to boost the metabolism in old age include cycling, walking and swimming. Endurance sports are always a good choice.
Exercise is also important because it helps to reduce stress. Stress is one of the most important factors when it comes to many diseases and a slowed metabolism. This is because stress causes the hormone cortisol to be released. It not only imbalances the metabolism, but also promotes increased blood sugar and cravings. Therefore, in addition to a healthy amount of exercise, it is also important to reduce stress in your life.
Get enough sleep
The duration and quality of sleep also affects the metabolism. If you want to stimulate and speed up your metabolism as you get older, you should make sure you get enough sleep. This is because hunger and satiety can be better regulated by the body. In addition, there is sufficient energy available so that cravings that slow down the metabolism occur less quickly.
Sleep time decreases slightly for people aged 65 and over. For example, those who previously needed 9 hours of sleep per night may only need 7 hours in old age. However, the ideal night’s sleep varies from person to person as it is subject to individual factors.
In any case, it is important to keep sources of disturbance away. These include noise and light sources, for example. As sleep disorders increase with age, relaxation exercises are also advisable. L-tryptophan – a precursor of serotonin, which is necessary for the production of the sleep hormone melatonin – can also be helpful. However, taking it should be discussed with a doctor. This applies in particular to people who are dependent on regular medication.

Saunas and alternating baths
A change in temperature can also have a positive effect on the metabolism in old age. It is trained in this way and the autonomic nervous system can be activated. Experts therefore recommend weekly, light sauna sessions and alternating baths. This also has the great advantage of boosting the body’s defences .
However, anyone with cardiovascular problems should approach saunas with caution. If in doubt, it is always advisable to consult your GP.

As we get older, our bodies change and so does our metabolism, one of the many processes in the human organism. In order to avoid becoming overweight in old age and to improve your well-being, it makes sense to boost your metabolism as you get older. This usually works with a combination of a healthy diet, enough exercise and sufficient sleep. However, a doctor should always be consulted if you have any questions, difficulties or pre-existing conditions.