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Hashimoto’s dietary supplements: which products are suitable?

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a disease of the thyroid gland that affects the entire organism. Treatment by a doctor is essential. However, there is also something that those affected can do themselves. Dietary supplements can support the treatment and alleviate the negative symptoms. The following article shows which dietary supplements are suitable and what those affected should bear in mind.

Does it make sense to take food supplements for Hashimoto’s?

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease. The result of Hashimoto’s is an underactive thyroid gland. This is accompanied by the following symptoms

  • Listlessness

  • Tiredness

  • Weight gain

  • Sensitivity to cold

  • chronic itching on the skin

In Germany, there are around 4-8 million people affected by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. As a rule, those affected have to take medication for the rest of their lives. However, there are a few things you can do yourself to limit the breakdown of thyroid tissue. It can even partially regenerate! A healthy and balanced diet that aims to provide the body with the necessary nutrients is essential for this.

However, those affected do not always manage to absorb all the important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals through their diet alone. This is exactly where dietary supplements come into play: they help to compensate for a deficiency and supply the body with what it does not get from the diet.

What should you bear in mind when taking dietary supplements for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?

The term “dietary supplement” already indicates what it is: A supplement to the diet and not a substitute. Accordingly, the most important thing that those affected should pay attention to is a healthy and balanced diet. If you don’t have everything you need, you can turn to dietary supplements.

There are a number of products on the market – including those designed directly for Hashimoto’s disease. But sufferers should be careful: There are big differences in quality between dietary supplements.

Kingnature is therefore the right address for you. We produce our supplements directly in Switzerland and pay attention to high quality. All our food supplements are carefully made from natural ingredients. We pay attention to a high degree of care during production.

Furthermore, you should only take the food supplements that you need and that help you. It does not make sense to take unsuitable micronutrients. And even an excess of some nutrients does not have an optimal effect on health.

Which dietary supplements help people with Hashimoto’s?

People with Hashimoto’s are usually advised to take thyroid hormones such as L-thyroxine. These can certainly compensate for the hypothyroidism. They also help to alleviate some symptoms and improve well-being.

Unfortunately, however, L-thyroxine does not prevent the destruction of thyroid tissue. For this reason, we have put together other supplements that can help with a thyroid problem. These can support the function of the thyroid gland and keep autoimmune reactions in check. In addition to vitamins, these also include trace elements and minerals that have a positive effect on those affected.


Selenium is an essential nutrient for the formation of thyroid hormones and for their function. It is also able to scavenge free radicals so that they do not cause further damage to the thyroid gland.

A sufficient supply of selenium should be ensured, especially if those affected consume iodine. By the way: Germany is considered a selenium deficiency area. This means that many Germans do not have an adequate supply of selenium. This means that people without Hashimoto’s disease can also benefit from supplementation with the trace element.


Iodine has already been mentioned. It is highly controversial whether people suffering from Hashimoto’s should take iodine. However, the fact is that iodine is part of the thyroid hormones and therefore plays an important role.

But why is there a warning against taking iodine as a dietary supplement for Hashimoto’s? Iodine can favour the formation of free radicals in the thyroid gland. This can cause additional damage to the thyroid tissue.

It is therefore worth talking to your doctor before taking iodine supplements and finding out about all the benefits and risks.


Zinc is another mineral that is good for the thyroid gland. The active ingredient primarily supports the immune system. However, it also promotes the function of thyroid hormones. Those affected by autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s also have a greater need for zinc.

Vitamin C can also be taken in conjunction with zinc. There are combined preparations that contain both zinc and vitamin C.

Vitamin A

The function of the thyroid gland is dependent on vitamin A. Nevertheless, this dietary supplement should not be taken without consulting a doctor. High doses of vitamin A can have a toxic effect. It can also be particularly dangerous during pregnancy.

B vitamins

Let’s continue with the vitamins. B vitamins are also recommended for Hashimoto’s as they boost the energy metabolism. It is actually the thyroid hormones that regulate energy metabolism. However, if essential nutrients such as vitamin B12 or vitamin B6 are missing, they cannot work properly. There is a vitamin B complex to take or preparations that only contain vitamin B12.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D should primarily only be taken in cases of vitamin D deficiency. Overdosing is strongly discouraged! Anyone with a vitamin D level in the normal range should therefore refrain from taking it.

Vitamin D has an immunoregulatory effect. This means that it can reduce inflammation. A sufficient supply is therefore particularly important for people with an autoimmune disease.


Many processes in the body cannot function properly without magnesium. It is therefore also known as the master mineral. However, the supply of such minerals is not always ensured by the diet. Magnesium supplements are the answer!


Iron is also required for the formation of thyroid hormones. Many women suffer from an iron deficiency. But even if you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, the intake of iron is absolutely essential.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect. An autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s causes inflammation in the thyroid gland. These inflammatory reactions can be kept in check by omega 3.

Conclusion: dietary supplements can be useful for thyroid disorders

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which can eventually lead to hypothyroidism, should always be treated by a doctor. In addition to treatment, however, dietary supplements can also help to alleviate symptoms and improve well-being. In any case, it is important that those affected still prioritise a healthy diet and take high-quality nutritional supplements. If you are unsure, you can first clarify the intake with the doctor treating you.



Knowledge junkie with a love of nature. Has asked lots of questions since her first word, which is why her parents put books in her hands. Still enjoys reading about natural health to this day. Likes to recharge her batteries outdoors!